Hot Chocolate DVD

21. April 2004   13:12  -  Johannes Gausepohl

The Girl/Chocolate camp has consistently made some of the best videos of all time not only because of the incredibly stylish and innovative skating, but because they care and take the time to do things right with thought and execution. The Hot Chocolate video may be the best example of that yet. Of course there is the skateboarding, and we’ll get to that, but there is a lot more making the video a stand-out, even amongst the rest of the stand-outs. Everybody on the team took part in extensive interviews and gives their take on the team, the history of Chocolate, the family of Chocolate, the tour itself, skateboarding’s state of mind, and what it is to be a skater. It’s fun, it’s entertaining, it’s honest, and it’s a way to get to know some of your favorite skaters beyond the tricks they do. Make sure you listen to Gino’s closing comments. Then of course there are the skits and the interludes, which are always entertaining. You’ll just have to appreciate them for yourselves, but between the choreography, the slam/mind-loss part, the Bjork section, and all the rest, you’re sure to find yourself smiling. So how about the skating? Excellent. Truly excellent. Did you expect anything else? Gino continues his onslaught of style and stellar trick selection; MJ will blow your mind with his innovation and graceful roll; Kenny A keeps the tech/smooth mix way, way above the bar plus shuts down the demo situations with ease; SJ, Mulder, and Daniel Castillo bring the unique, clean styles they’ve had for years; Chico is still looking better than ever with his patented laid back flow; Justin Eldridge takes monstrous bites out of the tech attack plan and reminds you how many years he has ahead of him; Mike York, despite taking one for the team, comes with plenty of good tricks and the awesome comedy he’s always been known for; and Chris Roberts will surprise you with some serious manual ruckus and cool ledge inventions. It’s a complete package, more so than just about any other video, and is sure to please. The Hot Chocolate video is a big-time winner for all these reasons, but also because it reminds you how much fun skateboading is. Mega thumbs up.
