Wenn ein Skateboarder in Hollywood einen Film dreht, dann ist das eine große Sache. In "Vicious Circle" gehört P-Rod zu denHauptdarstellern. Seine Rolle RJ ist ein "Skater", der davon träumt nach New York zu gehen und als Comiczeichner Karriere zu machen.
Die Premiere des Films ist diesen Monat in New York. Mehr zu der Story und dem Film gibt es in der Pressemitteilung.
Press Release:
The amazingly talented athlete has skated his wayinto his first feature film, VICIOUS CIRCLE, which is making its WorldPremiere on Friday, July 25th, 2008 at the HBO New York LatinoInternational Film Festival!!!
Set on the streets of VeniceBeach, CA, VICIOUS CIRCLE follows 18 year old RJ ("P-Rod" / PaulRodriguez Jr.) as he runs through the streets of LA with a bloodstained shirt and a gun in his backpack. Leaving the audience to wonder"What happened?"
RJ is an artist and skater with a heart ofgold. He dreams of moving to New York City to pursue his aspirations tocreate comic books. His hand-made sketchbook demonstrates his uniquetalent and acts as a portal between fantasy and reality. A stronginfluence of the game of Chess from RJ's incarcerated father permeateshis art and life; RJ lives by the rules of the game.
Soon, RJmeets his first love Angel (Emily Rios), a rebellious singer in a localteenage punk band. Their unexpected story of true love causes the tidesto turn in both lives, and RJ reveals a secret that will cost the lifeof his new love.
Friday, July 25th, 2008
Director's Guild Theatre
110 West 57th St.
(Between 6th and 7th Avenues)
New York NY
I'msure you've heard the name Paul Rodriguez . The 20-year-old Paul shareshis name with his father, a famous comedian and TV star. But, Paul isjust as well known in skateboarding, as his father is in hisprofession. He goes by the name Paul Rodriguez without the "Jr." and isalso referred to by the nickname "P-Rod" which was given to him by hisolder cousin.
Rodriguez excels in the genre of streetskating, which uses environmental objects such as stair rails, curbsand benches as launching pads for tricks. He is also well respected forhis technical mastery on a skateboard. Paul has been called "one ofthose few skaters who were born to skate."
P-Rod is so highlyregarded as an athlete that he is the face of Plan B Skateboards andone of only five people in the world with a shoe names after him byNike. In 2005, Nike SB released its first signature model skateboardshoe, the Zoom Air Paul Rodriguez. And Rodriguez has the distinction ofbeing the only Hispanic to receive a pro model show with Nike, as wellas the first skateboarder to receive this honor.
Paul lovesspending his time skating with his friends at his favorite spots. Forhaving success at such a young age, Paul remains very focused andgrounded.
Director/Screenwriter: Paul Boyd
Cast: Paul Rodriguez, Emily Rios,
Cinematographer: Denis Maloney
Editor: Shane Mclafferty
Producer: Angelyna Boyd
Executive Producer: Mike Martinez, Lisa Martinez, Timothy Martinez, and Juan Villarrea
USA 2008 – Running Time: 90 minutes
pic by Silver Trucks