Snowboarden ist im Winter in den Bergen keine schlechte Idee. Aber istwirklich ALLES gut was aus dem Snowboardbereich kommt? BeiNeff sind wir uns nicht sicher.
Die Neff Designs der Caps und Mützen sind (in MEINEN Augen) ein Witz.
Die Produkte sind zum lachen, dass Team jedoch nicht. Eric Koston, Guy Mariano, Terry Kennedy und Braydon Szafranski – das kann sich sehen lassen.
Press Relase:
Ventura, CA-Eric Koston, Guy Mariano and Braydon Szafranski join Terry Kennedy to launch the official NEFF HEADWEAR Skate Team.
NEFF HEADWEAR recently added Eric Bork as skate team manager. Thenew focus at Neff is to design and market product for the skate world.Each skater has designed their own signature cap that will be in theupcoming spring line. Headwear is a highly overlooked niche that Neffhas made a top priority. Neff’s goal is to make the best fitting hat,which they finally feel has been accomplished. Neff will debut its newcap fit at ASR, which has been in the works for over three years.
I sit in my office on the daily and say, ‚WOW! Is that really ourskate team?‘ I am amazed with how the crew has come together and whatan amazing group it is. I feel very fortunate to be working with eachof these skaters and I believe this is one of the most well roundedteams in the game, covering all realms of talent and style that make upskateboarding,“ says owner Shaun Neff.
NEFF HEADWEAR was established in 2002 with its headquarters locatedin Ventura, California. Neff is distributed in core retail locationsacross the country and is distributed worldwide in over 25 countries.To see the Neff line and news on the team hit up neffheadwear.com.