Chaz Ortiz (14) gewinnt in Orlando und wird AST Dew Tour Champ 2008. In den Jahren zuvor war immer Ryan Sheckler derSieger der Contestserie in den USA gewesen.
Auf den zweiten Platz kam Paul Rodriguez, der in der Tourwertung ebenfalls Zweiter wurde.
Hier die Results des Playstation Pro Contests:
1. Chaz Ortiz, Chicago, 92.75.
2. Paul Rodriguez, Tarzana, Calif., 91.25.
3. Greg Lutzka, Milwaukee, 86.75.
4. Timmy Knuth (A), Melbourne, Fla., 82.10.
5. Austen Seaholm, Anaheim, Calif., 79.60.
6. Carlos De Andrade, Brazil, 77.00 (the following did not qualify for six man jam session)
7. Chris Mendes, Moreno Valley, Calif., 79.50.
8. Rodolfo Ramos, Brazil, 78.75.
9. Danilo Do Rosario, Brazil, 78.75.
10. Ryan Sheckler, San Clemente, Calif., 78.00.
1st Gagnon, Pierre-Luc 96
2nd Macdonald, Andy 86
3rd Mayer, Danny 86
4th Dias, Sandro 85.25
5th Taylor, Adam 37.75
6th Burnquist, Bob 26.25
7th Furlong, Anthony 39.25
8th Halterman, Buster 41.25
9th Postec, Jean 49.25
10th Lasek, Bucky 12.5
Press Release:
It's the end of an era for back-to-back-to-back Dew Cup champ Ryan Sheckler After winning the PlayStation® Pro Skate Park Finals to seal the deal, 14 year-old rookie Chaz Ortiz . is the new sheriff in town.
"It's been ridiculous," says Ortiz. "Last year I took 6th in thiscontest as the Free FLow Tour champ and now I'm the Dew Cup champ. It'sunreal. I wasn't expecting it, but I'm psyched."
Ortiz was just 8 points behind Sheckler in the overall standingsheading into Orlando for the fifth and final stop of the 2008 AST DewTour, after claiming his first win last week in Salt Lake City at theToyota Challenge. Ortiz occupied every step of the Dew Tour podium thisyear, and came out big in Orlando.
He took a commanding lead in Run 1, with a nearly flawless runfeaturing a frontside bluntslide, a kickflip to backside tailslide, anda switch backside lipslide. After Run 1, it was Ortiz in 1st, followedby Greg Lutzka, Paul Rodriguez, Austen Seaholm , Danilo do Rosario, and defending champ Ryan Sheckler.
Ortiz put it together again in Run 2 to secure a huge lead,posting a score of 92.75 that put him way ahead of P-Rod and the restof the field. The top 6 skaters advanced to a free-for-all jam sessionto battle it out. In a huge surprise and tremendous upset, Shecklerdidn't make the cut, finishing in unfamilar territory down in 10thplace. An even bigger surprise: 2008 Free Flow Tour champ Timmy Knuthdid make the cut, tracing Ortiz' path to Dew Tour fame. Also in themix: Greg Lutzka and Carlos De Andrade.
P-Rod actually won the jam session with hugely technical trickslike a switch kickflip to boardslide and a switch 360 kickflip, but itwasn't enough to close the massive lead Ortiz established with his 2ndrun. Ortiz held on in the jam session with a switch backside lipslide,his signature kickflip boardslide to kickflip out, and other bigtricks.
Final score? Ortiz on top with 92.75, P-Rod in 2nd with 91.25, and Lutzka in 3rd with 86.75.
The win put Ortiz' overall points total to 430, ahead of P-Rod's408 and Sheckler's 387 to make him the youngest Dew Cup champ in thehistory of the AST Dew Tour.
"I'm going to be out here trying to take it home again next year,"says Ortiz, now a 9th grader in his hometown of Chicago. "But firstthings first: I have to go back to school on Wednesday."