Kerry Getz ist den legendären Skatespot in Philladelphia, den LovePark, wieder geskatet. Zwar ist das Skaten dort noch immer verboten,doch ab 17 Uhr und am Wochenende ist kein Ranger bzw. Aufsicht mehr im Park, das Skaten ist wieder möglich.
In einem DVS Shoes Interview sprach Getz über den Park, der scheinbar doch nicht komplett verloren ist. "Ja, ich war erst gestern Nacht dort skaten. Jedes mal wenn ich dorthin komme hängen dort 20 bis 30 Kids rum und skaten."
Allerdings warnt Kerry davor, dass man noch immer jederzeit bereit sein muss, vor den Cops wegzurennen.
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LOVE For Philadelphia
Kerry Getz Speaks On Love Park’s Past, Present, And Potentially Bright Future
Philadelphia’sLove Park is as sacred to street skating as the links at St. Andrewsare to the game of golf. There’s arguably no street spot more famousand influential as the ledges at Love. But Love Park has had atumultuous past. During the nineties the spot was a hot bed forprogressive skating and turned out tons of amazing talent. Ricky Oyola,Matt Reason, Kerry Getz, Josh Kalis, Stevie Williams, Fred Gall, andmany others are all native sons of Love. But around 2000 skateboardingwas officially banned and anybody caught skating was arrested orticketed no questions asked. Recently though, there’s been rumorscirculating about skateboarding returning to Love.
Fewpeople know the park like Pennsylvania blue blood Kerry Getz. He grewup skating there and still dwells there today–holding down his skateshop, Nocturnal. We caught up with Kerry to see what the rumors are allabout and got his take on the park’s history, significance, andpotential rebirth.