Seit Jahren wird in Lake Forest in den USA der Goofy VS Regular Contest veranstaltet. Die besten Fahrer treten dort, abhängig von ihrer Fußstellung auf dem Board, in zwei Teams gegeneinander an. Mit einem neuen Anlauf (Link) will man nun den Contest nach Europa bringen.
Der Event soll am 21.März in Eindhoven, Holland, steigen. Der genaue Ort, die Skatehalle "Area 51" mit 2.000 Quadratmeter Fläche. Die besten Fahrer aus Europa (z.B. Phil Zwijssen, Axel Cruysberghs, Rob Maatman, Nelson Mosikili) werden erwartet.
In den nächsten zwei Wochen wird die passende Webseite dazu online gehen: www.goofyvsregular.eu .
Hier alle Infos:
Amsterdam, The Netherlands (January 30th, 2009) – Goofy or Regular? The debate between the right and left continues with etnies‘ first ever European Goofy vs Regular skateboarding contest taking place on Saturday the 21st of March, 2009 at the Area 51 Skatepark in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Started in 2004, GvR is the first and only team-oriented skateboarding contest in which Goofy-footed (right foot forward) and Regular-footed (left foot forward) skaters compete in one action-packed contest.
Historically, this contest was always held in the States with the highest calibre of skateboarders taking part, including: Andrew Reynolds, Billy Marks, Nyjah Huston, Rick McCrank and Sean Malto. With this in mind, many of Europe’s best skateboarders have already been drafted-in and confirmed to attending one of the biggest contest to hit Europe this year. Names include: Phil Zwijssen winner of the European Skateboarding Championships in Basel 2008, Axel Cruysberghs winner of the Simpel Session, Estonia in January 2009, Rob Maatman winner of the AmsterDamn Am 2008 and Nelson Mosikili, Dutch Champion, 2008.
Goofy vs Regular Eindhoven will take place in Area 51 skatepark, a 2.000 square meter wooden indoor Skatepark in the South of Holland.
Each team captain will pre-qualify five skaters who will go straight to the final Goofy versus Regular competition. The event will consist of qualifying rounds for the rest of the skaters from each team and one big final with 20 of the best European skaters who will feature in the final conflict of the stance after which the winning team will be announced settling the score once and for all… or at least until next year’s competition.
For the first time ever, gamers can compete in etnies‘ Goofy versus Regular competition in Skate 2, being released for the PlayStation 3 system and the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system in 2009. Developed by Black Box, a studio of Electronic Arts (EA), Skate 2 delivers all the grit, creativity culture of skateboarding. EA Skate 2 doubles the bag of tricks and allows gamers to get off their board and move objects to create and share their ultimate skate spots.
For complete event details, schedule, directions and the latest updates, check out: www.goofyvsregular.eu which will launch in the next two weeks.