DC Shoes: Los Angeles bekommt einen Rob Dyrdek Skate Spot

5. Februar 2009   21:01  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Die Rob Dyrdek Foundation baut im Los Angeles' Lafayette Park den ersten, echten, legalen Skate Spot derWeltmetropole. Ende Februar 2009 soll der Spot mit Ledges, Bänken und Treppen fertig sein.

Hier weitere Infos:

Vista, CA The Rob Dyrdek/DC Shoes Skate Plaza foundation is pleased to announce it has begun development of its first "Safe Spot, Skate Spot" in Los Angeles' Lafayette Park this January. The Lafayette Safe Spot Skate Spot will be completed by late February 2009.
The Safe Spot Skate Spot is a program developed by The Rob Dyrdek/DC Shoes Skate Plaza Foundation to support legal and safe skate spots for communities interested in developing skateable terrain for their skateboarders. Based from the skate plaza concept, the Safe Spot Skate Spot program will provide an alternative option for communities to develop real legal street skating locations given limited budgets or space restrictions.
The Lafayette Safe Spot, Skate Spotwas developed in partnership with the Foundation, Newline Skate Parks and California Skate Parks. At just over 7000 square feet of skateable terrain the spot will contain ledges, benches and stairs that flow through the park's natural landscape. Funding from a generous donation by CKE Restaurants, Inc., parent company of the Carl's Jr.® hamburger chain to the Rob Dyrdek/DC Shoes Skate Plaza Foundation secured the development of the Lafayette skate spot.
"I'm excited to see the first Safe Spot Skate Spot come to life," said Rob Dyrdek, the Foundation's Founder and Director. "We realized that cities want to help their skateboarders but are often lacking funds or space and this concept provides the perfect solution for both. Skateboarding has always been defined by great spots and I hope that we are on our way to creating the next great, legal spots for skateboarding."
Lafayette skate spot is expected to open in late February 2009. For more information and updates on the Lafayette spot, the Safe Spot Skate Spot program and The Rob Dyrdek/DC Shoes Skate Plaza Foundation, visit the new updated website at www.skateplaza.com http://www.skateplaza.com .
The Rob Dyrdek/DC Shoes Skate Plaza Foundation seeks to promote the sport of skateboarding by assisting municipalities with the design, development, and construction of locations that maintain the integrity of terrain occurring naturally in urban environments and where the sport of skateboarding in its purest form is encouraged rather than discouraged.

Tags: Skate Plaza,

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