Eric Koston und Don The Nuge“ Nguyen mit neuem Sponsor“

17. Februar 2009   23:05  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Der Girl Skateboards und Lakai Footwear Pro Fahrer Eric Koston hat einen neuen Sponsor. Genauso wie Colin McKay, Terell Robinson, Daxter Lussier, Chris Dobstaff und Don The Nuge“ Nguyen.

Alle fahren nun für Jessup Griptape. Weitere Infos unten …

Press Release:

2/17/09–Chicago based Jessup Manufacturing is proud to announce theaddition of skateboard icon Eric Koston to it’s pro team. JessupManufacturing has been producing premium skateboard specific griptapesince 1975. Currently residing in Los Angeles, CA, Koston hails fromSan Bernardino, California. Known for his technical wizardry andfearlessness, Koston is one of the most loved skaters of all time. Ericis currently a part of the Girl skateboard team and is also the founderof Fourstar clothing.

Eric Koston first began skateboarding at age 11. By the age of 18,Eric had stacked enough skills to turn pro, moving to San Diego to jointhe now legendary H-Street team in 1991. Shortly thereafter, Koston’stalents were recognized by skate legend and industry icon, NatasKaupus, who convinced Koston to move to Los Angeles and join the 101team. On 101, Koston established himself as a leading switchstanceskateboarder – pioneering such technical tricks as the nollie flipnoseslide and the switch kickflip backside tailslide. Of legend, EricKoston landed a switch 360 flip down the Embarcadero 7 during his partin 101’s 1993 video, cementing himself as one of the most technicallyadvanced skateboarders of his time. Koston’s stance is goofy, but he isknown for his ability to skate switch. Known for his technical skilland fearless commitment, Koston is known to create new tricks at anygiven moment, on the streets, or in competition. He is also known forcommercializing the competitive, HORSE-derivative, game of S.K.A.T.E.Koston has won numerous skateboard contests including; X-games, GravityGames, Slam City Jam and the notorious Tamp Pro. Koston has also beenvoted Skater of the Year. Koston currently rides for Girl skateboards,Lakai shoes, Fourstar clothing, and Independent trucks.

Koston had this to say about the new relationship „I have beenskating on Jessup grip since I was a kid, it has always been the bestgrip. I am stoked to be on the team.“

Tags: Eric Koston,

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