Nicht nur in Tampa fand ein wichtiger Contest statt, sondern auch in Eindhoven. In der niederländischen Stadt traten Fahrer aus ganz Europa in zwei Teams gegeneinander an.
Vor über500 Zuschauer gewannen die Fahrer das Regular Team mit 1742 Punkten. Die MVPs des Contests wurden Rob Maatman (Goofy) und Axel Cruysberghs (Regular).
Den Best Trick Contest gewann der Deutsche Denny Pham mit einem NollieBackside 360 Heelflip am Stufenspot.
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Press Release:
Theetnies Goofy versus Regular skateboard contest at Area 51 in Eindhovenis over. After a busy day with over 70 skateboarders and more than 500spectators the battle of the stances came off victorious for theRegular footers. With 1742 points they were just 46 points ahead of theGoofy riders with their 1696 points. Stand out tricks from RegularsWoody Hoogendijk (NL, 360 flip lipslide down the handrail), SvenKilchenmann (CH, salad grind on the big rail) and Yannick Schall (GER,bluntslide to fakie on the pyramid ledge) added valuable points to theteam’s score.
Foroutstanding skateboarding throughout the day the Team Captains alsopicked their MVP (Most Valuable Player) from each team. With hisbigspin boardslide down the big rail and backside smith grind, RobMaatman (Deventer, NL) took home MVP for the Goofy footers and Regularskater Axel Cruysberghs, 14 years old, (Poperinge BEK) took the titlewith 26 tricks in 4 minutes, including his bigspin frontsideboardslide and ollie late shove-it over the barrel.
Asthe perfect ending to a successful day all riders were invited for theEA Skate 2 Best Trick contest. Using the stair set up with a ledge anda hand rail to their best ability the rider’s pulled a number ofamazing tricks out of the bag. Standing out were Pascal Reif (Montabaur, Germany) with his nollie backside bigspin backside lipslidedown the stairs and Helder Lima (Lissabon, Portugal) with his switchbackside 360 also down the stairs.
However, taking home the Best Tricktitle was Denny Pham from Rostock in Germany with his stylish nolliebackside 360 heelflip down the stairs.