Der Kinofilm "Street Dreams" mit Paul Rodriguez, Rob Dyrdek, Ryan Sheckler, Terry Kennedy und Ryan Dunn soll dasLeben und die Probleme von Skateboardern auf die große Leinwand bringen. Aus diesem Grund wird auch das Thema Polizeibrutalität in dem Streifen gezeigt werden. Über 10 Millionen Skater haben jeden Tag in den USA mit diesem Problem zu kämpfen.
In dem Film spielt Plan-B Pro Paul Rodriguez die Hauptrolle "Derrick Cabrera", während Rob Dyrdek seinen Wiedersacher spielt. Derricks Traum ist es, gesponsert zu werden. Seine Eltern machen aber Stress wegen den schlechten Leistungen in der Schule, seine Freundin hält ihn für einen Loser und sein bester Freund ist zu einem Konkurrenten geworden. Nachdem Derrick von zu Hause ausgerissen ist, versucht er sein Glück auf dem Tampa AM Contest.
Finanziert und produziert wurde der Film von Dyrdek und Berkela Motion Pictures. Der Titel Song und einige andere Musikstücke aus dem Film stammen von Pharrell Williams.
Ob der Film auch in deutsche Kinos kommen wird, oder sofort als DVD erscheinen wird, ist unklar.
Mehr Infos in der Pressemitteilung.
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Press Release:
Street Dreams will hit select US theaters on June 12, following its June 8 LosAngeles Premiere. Pro skateboarder Rob Dyrdek makes his writing,producing, financing, and starring debut in the film. The story for Street Dreamsis a writing collaboration between Dyrdek and Nino Scalia. PaulRodriguez, Ryan Sheckler, and Terry Kennedy also star in thisskateboarding film told by skateboarders to show mainstream audiencesthe reality of the street skateboarding community. Christopher ThesOne“ Portugal created most of the Street Dreams original score. Hip hopimpresario Pharrell created the film’s anthem „Hoppin‘ Over Fences“ aswell as provided N.E.R.D. tracks for the movie. Mike Shinoda of LinkinPark also scored a section of the film.
With the attention Street Dreamsis sure to garner, Rob Dyrdek hopes to continue to gain momentum for atrue skateboarding movement that will open the door for serious socialissues to be investigated and rectified. There are over 10 millionself-identified street skateboarders in the US alone, and the majorityis actively seeking natural obstacles found in urban publicenvironments, which is illegal and sometimes harshly enforced. Untilnow, authorities have chosen to ignore police brutality towardskateboarders–there are even prevalent videos online showing young maleand even shockingly female skateboarders getting beaten by cops caughton tape. Tired of skateboarders being treated as nuisances by publicauthorities, Dyrdek has taken it upon himself to change how the worldsees the sport. After great struggle, Dyrdek was recently able to getthrough to the City of Los Angeles, and he even rode the world’slargest skateboard through L.A. with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, whonow supports Dyrdek and his efforts. In February 2009, Dyrdek createdand launched Safe Skate Spot through his foundation and in conjunction with the city of Los Angeles.
„Street Dreams is a continuation of our renegade movement. It isimportant for the mainstream audience to be aware of the issues andobstacles street skateboarders face today,“ says Jason Bergh, ExecutiveProducer at Berkela Motion Pictures. „Berkela’s mission is to raiseawareness and bring these types of stories to life as we did with BraBoys.“ Sal Masekela, Executive Producer at Berkela Motion Picturesstates, „With Street Dreams, Rob Dyrdek finally gives us a story ofmodern day skateboarding culture that doesn’t make a mockery of thisunique, collective passion celebrated by kids across America.“ „I haveso much respect for Rob, and I know that everyone at Berkela is proudto be a part of his ongoing mission to bring the realities of streetskating to a mainstream audience,“ adds David Katzenberg, DevelopmentExecutive at Berkela Motion Pictures.
The full-length film will be released in New York, California, andselect theaters across the US on June 12, 2009. For more information onStreet Dreams, please visit