Welcome Video der beiden, neuen DC Shoes Amateure

29. Mai 2009   23:39  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Bei DC Shoes gibt es zwei neue Amateur Fahrer im Team! Die Glücklichen sind Matt Miller und Marquis Henry aus den USA. Das"Welcome Video" gibt es hier .

Marquis scheint der Calloway-Ersatz zu sein …

Press Release:

Though riding, filming, and hanging out with the DC team for months now, this week DC is proud to officially announce two new additions to the global amateur skateboarding team: Matt Miller and Marquise Henry. Check out their Welcome, Homies“ ad in the new skate magazines, and visit dcskateboarding.tv for their new team pages and a fresh skate video edit of the guys shredding.

Joining the DC team is no easy feat, and each prospective new rider must earn the respect and nod from the rest of the team. Matt and Marquise more than fit the strict requirements set forth.

Miller, ollie.
Representing the Bay Area (Sacramento, to be exact), Matt can best be described as a street skater’s skater. By that, we mean when you think of the classic street guy from the ’90s, that’s Matt. He’s also really nice. Having tied up a part in the latest TransWorld SKATEboarding video, And Now, Matt’s currently focused on his part for the Zoo York video and also filming and traveling with the DC crew.

Marquise, switch nose grind.
Marquise is one of those skateboarders that everyone knows, but for some reason has been slept on for way too long. It’s just now that he’s getting the time of day he deserves. If you saw his part in the bonus section of the new Workshop video (Mind Field), you know Marquise is raw street, through and through. That’s the essence of him: You won’t see him killing a contest (or a skate park for that matter), but he can knock out a video part in the streets like nothin‘.

Click here for the new „Welcome, Homies“ video at dcskateboarding.tv, and stay tuned for much more from both Matt and Marquise in the near future.

Tags: DC Shoes,

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