Offiziell: Habitat Footwear & Gallant auf EXP1

20. November 2009   21:56  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Seit über einem Jahr weiß der Boardstation Leser über Habitat Footwear bescheid. Heute wurde derStart von Habitat Footwear endlich auch offiziell mit einer Pressemitteilung angekündigt. Die ersten Schuhe kommen im Februar 2010 in die Shops. Die gesamte Kollektion gibt es unter diesem Link zu sehen.

Ein weiteres Gerücht, das hier auf der Seite öfters erwähnt wurde, betrifft Ryan Gallant und sein Wechsel zu Expedition One. Ab 2010 fährt Gallant für EXP1. Dies verrät eine neue Expedition One Werbung.

Press Release:
Habitat Skateboards Elevates Its Brand Footprint in the Skate Industry

Footwear Line to Launch February 2010

Dayton, OH (November 19, 2009) – Marking its 10-year anniversary inthe skateboard industry, Habitat Skateboards is pleased to announce theinitial launch of their skateboard footwear line, Habitat Footwear.Since its inception, Habitat has been committed to pure skateboarding,timeless design and inspiration from the natural world.

The Footwear

Designed by skateboarders for skateboarding, Habitat Footwear boaststhe core components of comfort, weight and durability to optimize skateperformance. Consisting of six models, the line also infuses Habitat’ssignature design principles — branded colorways, visual balance, andattention to detail. After 10 years of building a solid presence inthe hardgoods market, developing a footwear line was a new creativeoutlet for Habitat and a natural next step in the progression of thebrand,“ stated Joe Castrucci. „Footwear is a great platform for theevolution of Habitat. Pre-season sales have exceeded our goals and weare excited for the full product launch early next year,“ added ChrisCarter.

The Team

Representing the next generation in the ever-evolving Habitat brand,amateur skateboarders, Guru Khalsa, Marius Syvanen, Austyn Gillette,and Alex Davis have teamed up to be the faces behind the footwear line.

The Collaboration

Habitat is proud to celebrate and honor acclaimed mid-centurywildlife artist Charley Harper in its footwear launch. Three CharleyHarper Artist Series decks and shoes will be available in the firstseason which include classic Harper artwork printed insoles andcorresponding exterior fabric colors.

Tags: Gallant, Habitat,

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