Die DC Shoes King Of Contest Serie war letzte Woche in Sao Paulo. Wie immer wurde der Contest an verschiedenen Street Spots der City veranstaltet. Am Ende hatte JP Dantas die meisten Punkte an den Spots gesammelt und wurde daher zum König von Sao Paulo gekrönt.
Alle Infos und erste Fotos/Videos gibt es auf der DC Webseite.
1. JP Dantas Anjinho“
2. Gustavo Malagoli
3. Thiago Lemos
4. Jose Martins Zezinho
5. Carlos Iqui
Press Release:
DC would like to congratulate JP Dantas „Anjinho“ for winningthe DC King Of São Paulo, the latest installment of DC’s amateurskateboarding contest, this past weekend. Fifty of the best regionalamateur skateboarders from South America came out and competed at twoof São Paulo’s most famous skate spots, the Praça Roosevelt and PraçaAzul. When all was said and done JP Dantas took the crown and R$4.000,00.
Day one started out a bit rainy at Praça Azul but it quickly clearedup allowing for some great jam sessions. To create an even better skatespot for the competition adjustments were made to existing handrails,and one of the set of handrails was transformed into a „Big Four.“Bangers from the day were a nollie fs feeble Thiago Lemos casuallythrew in one of his lines; a switch heelflip blunt down the rail byDenis Silva; and a clean switch heel flip down the big four by JPDantas blowing everyone’s mind.
Sunday proved to be an even better day of skating with a huge crowdof skateboarders, kids and local media coming out to the PraçaRoosevelt. The hubba, embellished with a new marble top, hosted thebest tricks of the day including a nollie backside noseblunt by GlauberMarques; hardflip fs crooks by Carlos Iqui; a clean 360 flip noseslideby JP Dantas; nollie heelflip blunt transfer by José Martins; akickflip fs crooks by Thiago Lemos, and lastly a 270 nollie kickflip fstailslide by Gustavo Malagoli.
This was the final stop for the 2009 DC King Of Series. Other DCKings were crowned in cities worldwide including, Dublin, Ireland,Vancouver, Canada, and Chicago, Illinois.
For more information on the DC King Of Series and the Global Skate Team check out dcshoes.com/king.
Overall results of DC King Of Series – São Paulo:
1. JP Dantas „Anjinho“
2. Gustavo Malagoli
3. Thiago Lemos
4. Jose Martins Zezinho
5. Carlos Iqui
6. Luiz Apelão
7. Denis Silva
8. Jhony Melhado
9. Gauber Marques
10. Murilo Romão
11. Dhiego Corrêia
12. Douglas Molocope
13. Heverton De Freitas
14. Mailton dos Santos
15. Alber Leandro