Chris Cole hat es erneut geschafft und den Maloof Money Cup 2010 gewonnen! Damit ist Coledie absolute Nummer 1s in Sachen Contests.
Hier die Street Results:
1. Chris Cole 286.33 – $100,000
2. Nyjah Huston 281.67 – $40,000
3. Sean Malto 281.33 – $25,000
4. Torey Pudwill 274.67 – $15,000
5. Tommy Sandoval 260.67 – $6,000
6. Bastien Salabanzi 258.67 – $5,000
7. Ryan Decenzo 255.33 – $4,000
8. Justin Brock 250.33 – $3,000
9. David Gonzalez 246.67 – $2,500
10. Billy Marks 239.67 – $2,000
11. Jake Duncombe 237.33 – $1,500
12. Garrett Hill 233.67 – $1,500
Am Samstag wurde der Sieger in der Mini Mega Ramp gekührt. Hier gewann Pierre Luc Gagnon aka PLG.
Mini Mega Ramp:
1. Pierre Luc Gagnon 358.92
2. Bob Burnquist 355.75
3. Andy Macdonald 345.50
4. Bucky Lasek 342.42
5. Sandro Dias 338.92
6. Adam Taylor 334.00
7. Rob Lorifice 334.08
8. Pedro Barros 320.67
9. Elliot Sloan 291.50
Press Release:
Despite an absolutely perfect Round 3 for Nyjah Huston in the VolcomPro Street Finals, it was (guess who?) Chris Cole whose overallwizardry claimed the 100 Grand at the 2010 Maloof Money Cup in OrangeCounty. We didn’t think Maloof NYC could be topped, but everyone fromCole, Nyjah, Malto, Torey, Bob Burnquist, Ishod Wair, and LeticiaBufoni collectively one-upped the Big Apple. The final Pro Streetresults are below and keep checking back at FUEL.TV’s official Maloof Money Cup page for videos of every heat, on demand.