Die Maloof Brüder haben das große Checkbuch wieder gezogen! Sollte ein männlicher Fahrervier mal hintereinander die Maloof Contests gewinnen, wird er mit einem 1 Million US-Dollar Bonus belohnt!
Da Chris Cole bereits drei Events gewonnen hat, fehlt ihm nur noch Nummer 4.
Presse Release:
Joe Maloof Announces Million Dollar Bonus for Any Skater Who Wins Four Consecutive MMC Men’s Pro Street Contests
Maloof Money Cup Creator Joe Maloof, owner of the Sacramento Kingsand Palms Casino Resort, today announced that any pro skater who winsfour consecutive Maloof Money Cup Men’s Pro Street titles will earn anunprecedented one million dollar bonus, on top of what is already thelargest first prize in the history of professional skateboarding:$100,000.
This is really a challenge to all the pro skaters out there andsomething absolutely within reach of all these guys,“ said Maloof. „Ifyou win four MMC contests, consecutively, we’ll give you a milliondollars. We want to continue to push the progression of skateboardingin all aspects, and offering a million dollars, something unheard of inskate contests today, puts skateboarding on par with other majorsporting events.“
The Maloof Money Cup is the world’s greatest skateboarding event,offering the richest purse in skateboarding history. In 2011, theMaloof Money Cup has plans to expand to four U.S. cities, including areturn trip to Queens, New York.
„In 2011, we’re launching the Platinum Circuit, and looking to bringthe Maloof Money Cup to four U.S. cities,“ said Maloof. „We’vecurrently received interest from 27 cities in the U.S. and around theworld who want to host MMC events. We’re working to narrow that listdown to three new cities that will host MMC events next year.“
The first-ever MMC world skateboarding championships will be held in Kimberley, South Africa Sept. 30 -Oct. 2.
„From the beginning, we’ve said we want to do this right. From thelargest purse in skate contests, to letting the skaters take the leadon every aspect of our event, to giving back to the community bybuilding these greatly needed skateparks and working with the hostcities to leave them behind after the contest,“ said Maloof. „This isthe future of the Maloof Money Cup – leaving behind a legacy for thekids and the entire community to enjoy.“