Was für ein Glück, das Monster Skateboard Magazine ist nicht am Ende! Heute wurde bekannt, dass das Magazineeinen neuen Besitzer hat und damit weiter exestieren wird.
Factory Media, die auch das Kingpin Magazine produzieren, haben sich das Monster Mag und 5 weitere Zeitschriften des insolventen B&D Verlags (Link) unter den Nagel gerissen.
Press Relase:
Factory Media Ltd, Europe’s largest action sports media owner, has acquired six brands from the German publisher B&D Verlag GmbH, in a major deal that will accelerate Factory Media’s expansion into mainland Europe.
The media assets acquired consist of six consumer magazines and six websites, reaching hundreds of thousands of German action sports fans: Surfers (www.surfersmag.de), Moto X (www.motoxmag.de), Skiing (www.skiing.de), Snowboarder MBM (www.snowboardermbm.de), Freedom BMX (www.freedombmx.de) and Skateboard MSM (www.skateboardmsm.de).
The deal marks an exciting expansion for Factory Media as it continues to dominate the market for action sports media in both digital and print media. The additional brands will boost Factory Media’s total assets to 19 print magazines and 23 websites, published in six languages.
The German market has long been the heart of participation and commerce in action sports, and the acquisition will give Factory Media an even bigger platform for its online portal MPORA.com. MPORA.com majors in video content, picture sharing and community functionality and is utilised by over 5000 other websites around the world. It currently reaches four million unique users per month and the German version MPORA.de is now expected to add a further two million consumers to the platform.