Bright Messe Events: Urban, AWS, Emerica, Cliche, ES …

19. Januar 2011   14:05  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Am Donnerstag startet die Bright Trade Show 2011 in Berlin. Events von Urban Supplies, Cliche, Emerica, AWS, ES Footwear, Jefferson Distribution und Skateboard Museum können wir Euch empfehlen (weitere Infos auf den Flyern in der Fotostrecke).

Mehr Infos über die Bright Messe auf .

Bright Eröffnungsparty:
Thursday 20.00: STW2D & Bright Party
DJ’s Djuna Barnes (Copenhagen) , Azisch (OBHF) and Erik (newyork) playing, Artwork by Swanski, Friday 19.00: Bright Dinner Party with Karaoke, 19.00 – 22.00 invitation only, from 22.00 open party, Saturday 19.00: Bright Closing Event … Bright Bar Torstrasse 116, Berlin-Mitte

Skateboardmuseum Ausstellung – Art of Skateboarding:
siehe Flyer in Fotostrecke

Cliche Videopremiere:
Come to see Uncensored Gypsea Tour, LA Promo + more footage at the BRIGHT Cinema (3rd Floor), Friday 21st, January 15:00
And check out Urban booth 211 to see all the fresh Cliché shit.
Hope to see you there.

Emerica & Alien Workshop Heath Kirchart Ausstellung:
Alien Workshop and Emerica present ‚Celebrating Heath Kirchart‘, an exhibition that will be shown at the 12th edition of the Bright Tradeshow in Berlin. ‚Celebrating Heath Kirchart‘ is a retrospective that features photos, ads and shoots from both Alien Workshop and Emerica´s archives, together with some product samples including Heath´s last and limited pro deck. That board is a commemorative piece that features custom CNC routed graphic, it’s numbered and is personally signed by Heath. Make sure to drop by on the third floor of the Old ‚Stasi Headquarters‘ building and check out the exhibition from this Thursday January 20th till Saturday the 22nd.

ES Footwear Premiere:
Der neu erschienene Psychedelic Indie Film, Drehbuch und Regie von Corey Adams und Alex Craig, wird dein Gehirn zum schmelzen bringen …. stell dir vor Willie Wonka (The Chocolate Factory) trifft Skateboarding. Machotaildrop ist eine bildgewaltige und fantastische Reise von Amteurskateboarder, Walter Rhum, der seinen Traum als Pro Fahrer für die beste und größte Skateboardcompanie der Welt zu fahren wahr macht …. Machotaildrop. Die Handlung spielt in einer anderen Zeit und Welt, in der Machotaildrop die größte und beliebteste Skateboardcompanie ist und der großartige Sport des Skateboarderns seit Jahrzenten wächst und gedeiht. Walters Reise dient als Fenster durch das wir die dunkle Seite dieser großzügigen Skateboardfirma kennen lernen. Checke den Trailer hier unter
 Machotaildrop wird kostenlos auf der BRIGHT im Kino (3er Stock) am Freitag den 21st. Januar um 16.00 Uhr aufgeführt.

Urban Supplies & Jefferson Distribution Contest:
Im Rahmen des Alley Cat Contests auf der kommenden BRIGHT, möchten wir euch auf die "URBAN SUPPLIES ft. JEFFERSON DISTRIBUTION on LIMITED Property – HANDKÄS MIT MUSIK Challenge" einladen! Du bist der Meinung einen Pferdemagen zu haben??? Dann komm vorbei und lass dich von unseren hessischen Kulinaritäten verwöhnen!!  Wir freuen uns auf DICH!
Regeln:The alley cat will be open to anyone (skaters, exhibitor, visitors). 
Registration will open on Thursday from 10am to 3pm at Bright Office. 
The comp will start at 4pm thursday, and will end on Saturday, at 3pm with the grand price giving finding place in the Cinema at 4pm.
Upon registration, each entrant will get a spokes card with the schedule of event and a description of each events that will have to be stamped at each event they take part of (with a sticker or anything similar), and returned to the Bright office after the last event.

About the events:
– There are 11 events total.
– Each event will be open for 1 hour only, following a schedule (see below) – allowing you to host the event at a specific time and work on your booth normally the rest of the time.
– Each event can be an action (skate), knowledge (question) or task (eat cake). It is better if the event can be measured (best trick, fastest answer, most cake eaten) in order to get a top 3!
– Each participant will have to get his card stamped to confirm he’s taken part to each event. You don’t have to take part to all stations to win, but it helps! (check point rule!)
– Each stop has to have prices for at least the top 3 entries. The overall price will be awarded to the person with most points from each single event (1st place is 5 points, 2nd is 3 points and 3rd is 2pt, taking part to the event is 1pt)
– You will get a list of the entrants, and you will have to report the top 3 results of your event to the Bright HQ.

The overall winner will get a custom made price loaded with 500€ in cash.

Tags: Bright,

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