
Fallen Footwear – Denver Zumiez Couch Tour 2011 in HD

15. Juni 2011   05:08  -  Johannes Gausepohl

The gnar of Denver exhibited itself in a different way as the Zumiez Best Foot Forward contest and the Fallen team raged through the Zumiez Couch Tour and made historical shredding the way to be.

As always, the BFF contest just went off! The man to watch was Denver local Julian Christianson, who would seal it all up and throw down huge handrail tricks and big gap-to-flat bangers. Julian with tricks like switch 270 lip and nollie nosegrinds down the handrail made him the crowd favorite. The judges were awed by Julian’s control and smoothness as he stomped a huge switch heel down the big gap. The rankings: 3rd Wyatt Milhollan, 2nd Phil Hansen, and without a doubt Julian came in first with yet another BFF win.

After the contest, the Fallen team took to the course. Fallen, always known for killing huge gaps and rails would not let the Couch Tour crowd down. Although pros Billy Marks and Tommy Sandoval were half way across the country, the rest of the team rolled into Denver to "Ride The Sky." Ernie Torres, no stranger to Denver’s ways, came out and ripped with nollie flips and backside overcrooks on the quarterpipe. ZERO pro Garrett Hill wowed the crowd and fellow teammates when, after snapping his board on a pop shuvit 50-50, he borrowed a spectator’s set-up and landed it second try. Thanks to helpful BFF-ers and Couch Tourers the demo keeps going. Garrett wrapped it up with an unprecedented 360 flip to 50-50 down the handrail.

No stranger to life on the road and the Couch Tour atmosphere, "The Chief" Jamie Thomas skated the whole demo. Jamie rocked ollie impossibles and 180 nosegrinds as well as a 50-50 to wallride down on the steep bank. It was truly a pleasure for the crowd to see this living legend shred their Littleton home front.

Also on the Fallen roster was DGK pro, Jack Curtain. With one of the best tricks of the day, Jack landed a switch front blunt down the handrail. Rounding out the demo was Tom Karangelov, Tom Asta, and John Fitzgerald. The team ripped and tore all over the street course. The Fallen team went to sign autographs and the bands Anarbor and Forever the Sickest Kids took to the Skullcandy stage to do some ripping of their own.

The sounds of rock and roll from Anarbor could be heard across the parking lots, throughout the mall into town, and echoing off the great Rocky Mountains. They shredded the stage with passion deserving of such an epic landscape. Taking the stage and owning it like they were born there, FTSK did a severe amount of rock and roll justice as well.