Leider auch dieses Jahr nicht – European Championships 2012 sind abgesagt worden

20. April 2012   15:04  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Wie man dem Text unten entnehmen kann, wird es auch 2012 keine Europameisterschaft in Basel geben. Die aktuelle Lage lässt es leider nicht zu, dass in Basel wieder "gefeiert" wird. Dafür ist das finanzielle Umfeld zu schlecht.

Oli Buergin hofft auf 2013.

Alles Details:
Sometimesthings that are beyond our control have a big influence on our lives and theplans we make. Every once in a while you have to let go of the things that meana lot to you, even if you don’t feel ready for it. These decisions are not easyones, but eventually they have to be made. The current financial crisis ismaking it too difficult and risky for us to continue with the event that hasbrought together skateboarders from all over Europe for the last decade.

I would personallylike to thank everyone that has been a part of one of the most important,enjoyable and rewarding projects of my life. ESC would not have been possible without the support from etnies and Carhartt! Maybe the stars will align againand I will see all of you again in Basel sometime in the future!

The ESCteam is currently looking into the possibilities to make a European SkateboardChampionship happen in 2013.

For thoseof you that want to take a look back at all the good times we had in Basel, wecreated an online version of the ESC History photo exhibition that was ondisplay at ESC 2010.

Tags: Basel,

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