2009 musste der Verlag vom Skateboarder MagazineKonkurs anmelden. Das US-Printmagazine überlebte dennoch. Anfang 2013 mussten die Print Ausgabe eingestellt werden. Doch ein Teil der Redaktion konnte bleiben und startete eine Onlineversion des US-Magazines.
Drei digitiale Ausgaben später muss das entgültige Ende vom "Skateboarder Magazine" bekannt gegeben werden. Bis zum 15. Oktober werden die Mitarbeiter noch an der neuen Onlineausgabe arbeiten.
Press Release:
This week Skateboarder will release its third digital edition and companion limited edition print version, which will be its final edition.
Unfortunately market conditions have forced us to have to make the difficult decision to cease publication of Skateboarder,“ said Norb Garrett, SVP Group Publisher of GrindMedia. „It’s especially disappointing given the strong interest and initial success we’ve had with the new digitally focused editions; our Skateboarder team has worked incredibly hard producing a cutting-edge product that has been successful at reaching a larger audience online. We will take all of the learnings from Skateboarder’s efforts and apply them to TransWorld Skateboarding and our other brands as the digital model has demonstrated real promise.“
Skateboarder’s editorial staff and publisher will remain on through October to support the release and distribution of the final issue and continue to support the Web site.