Skateboarding bei den Olympischen Jugendspielen 2014 in Nanjing, China

25. Juli 2014   10:55  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Das IOC der Olympischen Spiele zeigt starkes Interesse an Skateboarding!Das Komitte hat gestern entschieden, im August Skateboarding als Teil des Nanjing 2014 Sports Lab bei den Olympischen Jugendspielen in Nanjing, China, vorzustellen.

Die International Skateboarding Federation (ISF) wurde von dem IOC für die Aufgabe ausgewählt. Zwei mal täglich wird es zwischen dem 17. und 27. August eine Street und Vertvorstellung geben. Zum Beispiel werden Renton Millar (Australien) und Leticia Bufoni (Brasilien) vor Ort skaten.

Weitere Namen sollen nach dem Street League Contest an diesem Wochenende veröffentlicht werden (Livestream Infos für LA gibt es heute Nachmittag in den Top News).

Damit ist Skateboarding einen Schritt weiter, Teil der Olympischen Spiele zu werden.

Mehr Infos in der Pressemittteilung:

The International Skateboarding Federation (ISF) is announcing that they have been selected by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to showcase skateboarding aside the Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, China from August 17-27 as part of the Nanjing 2014 Sports Lab.  The ISF is producing two daily Street and Vert skateboard exhibitions featuring international athletes such as Renton Millar (Australia) and Leticia Bufoni (Brazil) and is excited to leave the concrete skatepark at the conclusion of the Games for the long-term enjoyment of the Nanjing community.

We’re honored that the IOC has chosen the International Skateboarding Federation to present world-class skateboarding on such a global stage as well as in front of the Olympic leadership,“ said Gary Ream, President of the ISF.  „We’re appreciative of the support given to the ISF from nearly every corner of the international skate community as we show the unique excitement that skateboarding offers and also that we may leave the skatepark as a legacy for area skateboarders and kids that we are able to turn on to skateboarding.“

Late in 2013, IOC President Thomas Bach presented the ISF with this unique opportunity.  For the past decade, the ISF has established partnerships with more than 80 member countries and engaged the world skateboarding community as to how best steward skateboarding’s growth at the international level, while protecting the sport’s unique culture of creativity and self-expression.

In addition to Millar and Bufoni, the ISF has assembled a roster of global male and female skateboarding stars including Kelvin Hoefler (Brazil), Tomas Vintr (Czech), Lizzie Armanto (USA), and Chinese national skate organization members (CESA). More pro skateboarders will be added to the roster following Stop Two of the Street League Skateboarding World Tour happening in Los Angeles this weekend.  The ISF is working with world-renowned California Skateparks to build the legacy skatepark that will also host „Introduction to Skateboarding“ sessions open for YOG athletes and visitors each day of the Games.

About International Skateboarding Federation (ISF)
Established in 2004 and now with partnerships with more than 80 member countries, the International Skateboarding Federation (ISF) is the formally organized and not-for-profit world governing body for skateboarding.  It was established to provide direction and governance for the sport of skateboarding globally and to ensure the best possible representation of skateboarding is experienced by athletes and fans.  The ISF aims to preserve skateboarding’s integrity and authenticity as a sport, passion and lifestyle with freedom of self-expression and creativity at its core.

Tags: China, International Skateboarding Federation, Olympia, Olympische Spiele,

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