Wer den Street League Contest in LA trotz hartem Slam gewonnen hat? Die Antwort kennt jeder, Nyjah Huston, wer sonst. Wer sich wundert, warum die Street League Berichterstattung in diesem Jahr so arm ist, kann sich bei dem US-Sender FOX bedanken.
Alle Ergebisse und Results in der PM:
Stop Two of the 2014 SLS Nike SB World Tour in Los Angeles was full of twists, turns and leaderboard shuffles, but in the end Nyjah battled through injury and once again reigned victorious. Nyjah leads the pack of SLS Pros heading into the 2014 SLS Nike SB Super Crown in New Jersey.
The group of SLS Pros whittled down to the final eight guys in front of a sold out Los Angeles crowd inside the Galen Center at USC. The excitement of the 2014 Tour continues August 28th, in Newark, NJ for the 2014 SLS Nike SB Super Crown World Championship. Can Nyjah be beat?
Stay to streetleague.com for a full contest recap, photos and video from the event, coming very soon!
Final Stop Two Results:
1. Nyjah Huston – 51.0
2. Chaz Ortiz – 49.2
3. Torey Pudwill – 48.3
4. Ryan Decenzo – 40.6
5. Luan Oliveira – 35.7
6. Shane O’Neill – 33.5
7. Paul Rodriguez – 14.8
8. Matt Berger – 7.3
Super Crown Qualifiers:
1. Nyjah Huston – 200
2. Luan Oliveira – 168
3. Torey Pudwill – 165
4. Shane O’Neill – 165
5. Paul Rodriguez – 161
6. Chaz Ortiz – 148
7. Matt Berger – 140
8. Ishod Wair – 136