Red Bull – Ryan, Kane and Shane Sheckler: Skate Brothers |

23. Februar 2016   16:55  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Wie viele wissen, sind Ryan Shecklers Brüder auch am skaten. Es ist Zeit alle Shecklers, also Ryan, Kane und Shane, genauer unter die Lupe zu nehmen.

Ryan, Shane, and Kane have skateboarding in their blood, and a sibling skate dynamic like no other.

Deep behind the Orange Curtain, in the county’s southernmost beach town of San Clemente, the Sheckler family have established themselves as skateboarding heavies and cemented their places in a town’s already strong skate history. Ryan Sheckler was famous nearly out of the womb, and it’s like we’ve grown up with him as he went from a ripping California grom to an international skate superstar. Along the way, his brothers made names for themselves as well, proving that the family skate gene pool runs deep.

The Sheckler name, whether attached to the eldest Ryan, the middle bro Shane, or the young gun Kane, is a big one in skateboarding, and the sibling rivalry between these three is a big part of that. All three still call San Clemente home, and following them around when they’re all in town turns out to be the best way to witness the skill attached to the Sheckler surname.

Tags: Red Bull, Ryan Sheckler, Skate Brothers,

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