Fallen Footwear ist am Ende – Jamie Thomas zieht den Stecker

12. April 2016   11:22  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Jamie Thomas hat in der letzten Nacht das Aus von Fallen Footwear verkündet.Die Spring 2016 Kollektion wird die letzte sein, die ausgeliefert wird.

Thomas bedankt sich bei allen Supportern und Käufern von Fallen, die in den letzten 13 Jahren an Fallen geglaubt haben.

Hier Jamies Kommentar:

It is with a thankful & humble heart that I announce that Spring 2016 will be Fallen Footwear’s last season. I would like to thank the past and present Fallen team, employees, distributors, and retailers. I’d also like to thank everyone that has ever bought a pair of our shoes or supported Fallen in any way over the past 13 years. The Fallen mission and goal has always been to work with skateshops and support skateboarding with everything we do. Unfortunately, this has become increasingly more difficult for skate shoe brands. Rather than waver from this mission, we are choosing to bow out. I encourage everyone to support authentic skate footwear brands as we wish them all the absolute best. Skate or Die, Jamie Thomas

It is with a thankful & humble heart that I announce that Spring 2016 will be Fallen Footwear’s last season. I would like to thank the past and present Fallen team, employees, distributors, and retailers. I’d also like to thank everyone that has ever bought a pair of our shoes or supported Fallen in any way over the past 13 years. The Fallen mission and goal has always been to work with skateshops and support skateboarding with everything we do. Unfortunately, this has become increasingly more difficult for skate shoe brands. Rather than waver from this mission, we are choosing to bow out. I encourage everyone to support authentic skate footwear brands as we wish them all the absolute best. Skate or Die, Jamie Thomas

Ein von Fallen Footwear (@fallenfootwear) gepostetes Foto am

Tags: Fallen Footwear, Jamie Thomas,

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