Zum Ende des Jahres gibt es Bewegung auf dem Skateboardmarkt! Seit über einer Woche gibt es in den USA Gerüchte, dass Cliche Skateboards am Ende wären und geschlossen werden würden.
Cliche Skateboards haben keinen Vertrieb mehr! Dwindle Distribution wird Cliche nicht mehr machen aufgrund der schwierigen Marktsitutation. Ein Schritt, den man nicht gerne bei Dwindle geht, aber wie man unten in dem Text nachlesen kann, ein Schritt, den man gehen muss.
UPDATE: Jetzt sagt auch der Mastermind hinter Cliche, Jeremie Daclin, das die Firma am Ende ist. Damit hat Lem Villemin aus Deutschland keinen Boardsponsor mehr. Das Team und Jeremie planen neue "Sachen".
Die Gerüchte um Zero Skateboards aber sind echt, die Firma wird wieder unabhängig geführt werden und verlässt dadurch den Dwindle Vertrieb. Jamie Thomas will wie früher wieder die Aufgaben eines Vertriebes selbst übernehmen.
Hier die Statements aus den USA:
The reason for reaching out to you today is to ensure you are aware of the following adjustments within Dwindles brand mix, specifically the following changes regarding Zero and Cliché Skateboards.
This message is to act as a notice of change to the working relationship between Zero Skateboards and Dwindle Distribution. After the end of the initial term of the license/distribution agreement between Zero and Dwindle, Jamie Thomas has decided to run the brand independently. He will be setting up his offices in Carlsbad, California.Dwindle will continue to handle the sales and distribution of Zero skateboards until the dates outlined below. This is an amicable change and we fully support Jamie and the Zero team in this transition as he does Dwindle.
This message is to advise that we will no longer be continuing with theCliché brand. Despite the incredible team involved with this company (riders and creative), due to worsening market conditions, we regrettably have had to make this difficult decision.
Massive respect to Al Boglio, Jeremie Daclin, Eric Frenay and the whole team for helping to truly put European skateboarding on the map in a way that no other company had done prior, opening the door for many others over the last 20 years. They leave an amazing legacy in skateboarding and we wish them and the team the best on their future journeys and projects.
Please know that these decisions where not easy or quick to come to. These choices are part of a longer term view regarding what/where we need to be focused on. Opening up bandwidth within the company to explore new opportunities for Dwindle in the coming months / year(s).