Bru-Ray: Giorgio Zattoni Pasta Power 2. Juni 2017 04:00 - Johannes Gausepohl When he’s not working or eating some of the best homemade grub in the world, Giorgio Zattoni revs it up at the Elbo skatepark in Bologna, Italy. Cheers GZ! –P-Stone
Verwandte Videos 14. September 2017 05:30 P-Stones (Preston Maigetter) letztes Video vor seinem Tod: Bru-Ray ATL Bridge and Slab Report 20. April 2017 21:15 Bru-Ray: ATL and Across 16. Dezember 2016 07:13 Anti-Hero Skateboards – Bru-Ray: Best of Daan Van Der Linden 25. Juli 2016 06:09 Bru-Ray: Don’t Cry Argentina Part 2 21. August 2015 07:38 Bru-Ray: Basque Country Yardsale 5. August 2015 05:14 Bru-Ray: Random Shit 10. Juli 2015 04:24 Bru-Ray: Potrero Hitting 20. April 2015 05:16 Bru-Ray: NY to SF With The One-Eight 5. Februar 2015 01:26 Bru-Ray: Oj Wheels´ To Denver & Back“ Part 1″ 15. September 2014 08:42 Bru Ray’s Relapse Of Luxury“ Yardsale“ 14. September 2014 04:01 Bru Ray’s Relapse Of Luxury“ Part 5″ 12. September 2014 08:43 Bru Ray’s Relapse Of Luxury“ Part 4″ 18. Juni 2014 02:15 Bru-Ray: Brazil 26. Mai 2014 03:52 Bru-Ray: Way To Hustle in Cape Town(Grant Taylor, Cory Kennedy,)