
Red Bull – Skating the Wild Streets of India | The Curry Connection EP 1

13. Juni 2017   11:00  -  Johannes Gausepohl

Nassim Guammaz, Jaakko Ojanen, Rob Wootton and Christian Bica spice it up from Goa to Bangalore in this skate mission to India.

India is a contradiction. What you see, experience and believe to be certain can flip in an instant and leave you gasping for air. Skateboarding in a country which is almost as big as a continent comes with its own risks and rewards.

So, we started with Goa where the sun shines in endless bright blue skies. Goa is a party destination and far from a typical skate stop, so the spots we found soon had their own nick name – ’shpots‘.

Join the crew as they skate from shpot to shpot shredding everything and anything the country has to skate on.

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