
Element Skateboards – Welcome Nathan Jackson

4. Juli 2017   06:04  -  Johannes Gausepohl

Das Editing, die Musik, die Skate Footage, der Nathan Jackson Welcome to Element Skateboards Clip ist richtig lecker und macht Laune. Schon seit Jahren sorgt der Australier für gute Videoparts und wird jetzt mit einem Sponsordeal mit Element belohnt. Hatta verdient.

Words by Kayle Lawson.

A man who’s everyone’s best mate and an all round legend, Nathan Jackson has a drive that is motivated by friends, family and a deep thirst for a sixer.

The native Queenslander/Melbourne hybrid has all the right ingredients to make him one of our favourite humans to live, chill and skate with.

He makes calculated decisions, approaches with ethical intent and executes with a killer mentality when he’s in the streets.

Nate, being a royal of Australia’s most acclaimed skateboarders, has a strong history of producing quality and outstanding parts, and he continues to do just that in his new ‚Element welcome to the family‘ part.

No stranger to the Element camp, he’s the last QLDer to jump on board to make the family feel complete.

Nathan Jackson welcome to the family!

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