
Vans ‚Are We There Yet?‘ Tour 2007 – Part 1: London.

4. Dezember 2017   16:50  -  Johannes Gausepohl

It’s somehow been ten years since the Nic Powely lead UK Vans team piled on board an unsuspecting city-hopper bus and drove the length and breadth of the country on the infamous ‚Are We There Yet?‘ mammoth road trip, so the kind folks at Vans have gifted us with a high-quality version of the resulting tour video to bless you all with.

Part 1 sees the tour kick off in London, as the crew meet up at the old Slam City store before heading to BaySixty6 for the first demo. With Marc Churchill, Ollie Tyreman, Ste Roe, Howard Cooke, Ben Grove, Ben Nordberg, Tom Knox, Kris Vile, Daryl Dominguez, Sam Bruce, Awadh Mohammed, Aaron Revel, Kevin McKeon and Dibble.

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