Eine Legende ist zurück! DC Shoes Stevie „Williams OG“ Sneaker in der original Farbe

14. September 2019   09:54  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Der Trend, alte Skateboard-Schuh-Klassiker neu rauszubringen, setzt sich fort. Und DC fährt schwere Geschütze mit dem „Williams OG“ auf. Der Klassiker kam 2000 auf den Markt und war/ist ein Mix aus East Coast Skateboarding, Basketball- und 90er Jahre Hip Hop Kultur. Schon damals stach der Sneaker aus der Masse an Schuhen deutlich hervor.

Stevie Williams Style auf dem Rollbrett übertrug sich auch auf seinen ersten Signature / Pro Model Schuh.

Knapp 20 Jahre, nachdem Stevie Williams Teil des DC Teams wurde und mit seinem ersten Pro Model einen der unverkennbarsten Skateschuhe aller Zeiten designte, findet der WILLIAMSOG wieder seinen Platz in den Schuhregalen der Skateshops.

Gemeinsam mit DGK Skateboards zollt DC Shoes mit dem Re-release der bekannten grau-gelben Colorway Stevie ihren Respekt für seine Erfolge als Skateboarder, Entrepreneur und Stilikone.


Passend dazu gibt es auch ein DGK Skateboard Board, aber seht selbst:


Mehr Infos:

As the face and co-founder of the DGK brand, Stevie Williams has transcended from simply skateboarder to entrepreneur, media personality, and cultural icon. As a tribute to this legacy, Williams and DGK have partnered with DC Shoes to bring back his original shoe from these early days when he rode for DC. As a complement to the famous grey and yellow colorway, DGK will be releasing a set of matching skate decks. Both brands will distribute their respective products with select skate retailers and online.

Stevie discovered skateboarding at the age of 12 in Philadelphia, his home city. In the mid ‘90s, he and his friends started the DGK crew, AKA the “Dirty Ghetto Kids”, as skateboarding began to dominate the streets. With raw talent, superhuman pop, and a style unmatched to this day, Stevie rose through the ranks and quickly became a household name in skateboarding. Many in Stevie’s crew, like longtime homie Josh Kalis, would also turn out to be legends in their own right as they dominated Philly’s beloved Love Park skate scene, stacking some of the most memorable skate clips ever filmed and putting it on the map as one of the most famous skate spots in the world.

Over the decades, Stevie has ambitiously expanded his love of skateboarding by channeling it into areas where he could be a positive influence. He has opened up skate shops on both sides of the country, solidified partnerships with brands both in and out of skateboarding, appeared in the Tony Hawk Pro Skater video games, and launched his own clothing lines. In 2002, Stevie turned DGK into a household skate and streetwear brand—embracing the name that his crew had been called since his early days of skating around Philly. DGK also helped to launch the non-profit Saved by Skateboarding, which equips low-income kids with skateboards as a positive outlet in their lives. Stevie, a self-made man since day one, continues to cement himself as an icon on and off the board.

The Williams changed everything for skateboarding footwear and has remained a constant topic of discussion. Now, the masses are finally getting what they asked for, and Stevie’s legacy is sure to inspire a whole new generation.

The Williams OG is available now, worldwide, and on DCShoes.com.

Tags: DC Shoes, DGK Skateboards, Stevie Williams,

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