RIP – Gründer von Shorty’s Skateboards und Designer von The Muska Board ist gestorben

12. März 2020   07:18  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Traurige Nachrichten aus den USA:  Der Gründer von Shorty’s Skateboards, Tony Buyalos, ist gestorben. 1992 gründete Tony zusammen mit April Hamrock die Company, die in den 90ern zu den Top Skateboard Firmen gehörte. Mit dem unschlagbaren Shorty’s Team, Black Panthers Bearings, Doh-Dohs, Black Magic Griptape veränderte Tony die Skateboardszene.

Neben dem legendären Brand war Buyalos auch für das Design vom berühmten „The Muska Silhouette“ Board bekannt. Es gilt als eines der meistverkauften Decks aller Zeiten.

Fans und Freunde sprechen der Familie und den Angehörigen ihr Mitleid aus.




UPDATE 18. März 2020: Mittlerweile gibt es neue Gerüchte zum Tod. Tony soll Blasenkrebs gehabt haben. Harte Drogen, oder Drogen allgemein, soll er nie konsumiert haben.



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If you stepped on a skateboard at any point from 1992 until oh, now… this man, Tony Buyalos, surely had a hand in your journey. If you were also fortunate enough to be sponsored in any capacity in the 90’s/00’s, there’s a likely chance you were a member of the largest Hardware team in skateboarding – the Shorty’s Hardware Team. What began as a little company on a living room floor grew into so much more than a bolts brand, from snowboards to skateboards, Black Magic, Black Panthers, Doh Doh’s, Dooks, Curb Candy, skate backpacks!, the unforgettable ROSA, legendary skate vids for both Shorty’s and COS and a physical manifestation of his dream – Santa Barbara institution, Church of Skatan. Tony created an empire as well as a legacy, offering a number of now iconic skaters a platform to shine, and local Santa Barbara skaters a place to call „home“. He was a creative genius, a master of branding, and genuinely loved skateboarding and spreading that awareness. Humble at the core, he was incredibly generous. He also offered me a place to call home for 12 years. The opportunities to grow my business knowledge, expand creatively, truly appreciate this brotherhood, and fine tune my mutherfucken mom-skills I remain eternally grateful for. It wasn’t easy, but it was so worth it and so damn fun. Thanks, T. I know you wouldn’t like this post. You wouldn’t want the attention on you, you’d want it on your legacy and your art and I trust that will endure. I’m going to have a veggie burrito in your honor and maybe hit the foot spa. Wherever you roam there’s a vibrant technicolor haze surrounding you – and all the animals. Rest easy. ❤️ #shortys #tonybuyalos #thankyouskateboarding #churchofskatan #legalizeskateboarding #skate4life #sylss #porvida #santabarbara #texaspride #fuckcancer

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Tessa (@barefootessa) am



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Skateboarding lost a legend yesterday, Tony Buyalos, the mastermind behind @shortysskateboards. He changed the industry, pushed marketing to its limits, and changed lives forever. He turned a bolt into one of the biggest skateboard companies of all time, and as he dreamt big, he manifested those dreams into reality. He created jobs, opportunities, and paved a path for many of us. He was a dear friend, a mentor, a husband, and a father. Our hearts are broken over the loss of a true friend. We will miss you Tony, sending love to Krishna, Chimay, and all of his family and friends. RIP Tony 📸 @starrfilms #tonybuyalos #riptonybuyalos #shortysskateboards #fuckcancer

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Ghetto Child (@ghettochildwheels) am


Tags: Shortys Skateboards,

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