
JENKEM – Google Earthers Ep.3 – Skating Giant Banks in Michigan

18. Mai 2020   06:11  -  Johannes Gausepohl

Last time, Jake took us out to Wurtsboro, New York to skate the Old Homowack Lodge. As fake as that name sounds, it was 100% real and surprisingly filled with good shit to skate. This time around, Jake is back home in Michigan riding out the quarantine and decided to venture into some unfamiliar territory with some old friends, right around the corner from his childhood home. He found a good old fashioned mini-golf course, a giant ditch, and the chunkiest hubba anyone would ever think to skate.

Jake Keenan
Daniel Bazzy
Jon Gilbert
Mikey Hileski
Jeremy Mullan
Ben Patrick
Dylan Stephens

Filmed by: Greg Szudzik
Edited by: Rob Fraebel


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