Nike SB pro Nyjah Huston is featured in the new list “100 Influential People in the World” by the world wide known TIME Magazine.
Right next to his photo, Tony Hawk (!!!) writes:
There’s still an antiquated view of skateboarding out there, that it’s a slacker white kid’s sport for outcasts. But the sport has long transcended that stereotype. Once they see Nyjah perform, people around the world will have a deeper appreciation for the kids they see in skate parks, falling off of ramps and rails over and over and over. They’ll now know what those kids are striving for, what those kids can be. Thanks to Nyjah, they’ll know what’s possible.
Read the full comment of Hawk direct at the Times Magazine 100 list.
Photo below was shot by Edgar Barrera
- Foto by Edgar Barrera (@edgarbarrera01 via @USASkateboarding).