RIP – Jonas Wray ist im Schlaf gestorben

13. April 2021   06:44  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Der ehemalige Adio Footwear und Element Skateboards / Plan-B Pro Jeremy Wray hat schlechte Nachrichten: Sein Bruder Jonas Wray ist gestorben.

Jonas ist friedlich im gemeinsamen Elternhaus von uns gegangen.


Ever had something happen in your life that hit you so hard you felt like you were fighting back tears with every breath? Well, that’s where I’m at. My brother Jonas has been by my side since he was born. We have been through so much together. Too much to even write about. He was loved by sooooo many! And he returned that love 100%. Anyone that knew him would tell you the same. Truly a one of a kind human being.

For anyone worried or confused about his passing, just know, I found him peacefully resting at our house. He was sitting up on the couch looking like he was comfortably taking a nap. No foul play, no wild story. He went peacefully in his sleep. He was happy in his life and loved you all very much. He will be missed terribly by everyone that knew him.

I will be reaching out with more info as the days progress and we figure out the next steps. For those that know me, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’ve been on the phone all morning talking with friends and letting everyone know what happened. Trying my best to reach everyone before they read it anywhere else, but that’s just not possible these days.

I’m putting this up to share the unfortunate and unbelievable truth that Jonas is no longer with us (at least as he was). Much love to you all.

Now go hug your brother if you have one. Do it for me

Foto via Jeremy Wray.

Tags: Jeremy Wray, Jonas Wray, RIP,

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