A few states on this planet get back to normal after the battle against Convid19 and Estonia is one of them. The Simple Session contest 2021 will take place in Tallinn in August.
Simple Session 21 will be back in Tallinn, Estonia, on August 20th and 21st for a two-day festival and an all-around good time. The Simple Session series will host an exciting street-focused contest in the hip new Põhjala area – an old rubber factory turned into a cultural hub will serve as a thrilling new location for the event. A tight selection of the finest skateboarders from around the world will be invited to go head to head on a fresh Wessel-designed 650 m2 course. Skateboarding is all about creativity. So is Simple Session – hosting the series in a whole new venue will take the entire contest experience to another level for skaters and fans alike.
The global health crisis has created obstacles and prevented us from hosting the annual wintertime event, but has, on the sunny side, prompted us to regroup and innovate the series, and we are delighted with the result.
The event celebrates the Estonian Restoration of Independence on the 20th of August, kicking off a long weekend of the best riding and Simple Session antics on and off the course.
We are incredibly excited to host skaters in the stunning Estonian summer after most athletes have experienced Estonia only in the cold winter months. Considering the pandemic, we will be taking health and safety measures very seriously to ensure our athletes, guests, spectators, and team’s safety and well-being.
This will be a boutique event with only a limited number of tickets coming on sale in May on the Simple Session’s website https://session.ee.
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