Olympische Sportart – Skateboarding wird ab 2028 für immer ein Teil von Olympia

30. Oktober 2023   19:10  -  Johannes Gausepohl


Skateboarding feierte mit den Olympischen Spielen in Tokyo 2020 seine Olympia Premiere. Und auch 2024 wird Skateboarding ein Teil von den Olympischen Spielen in Paris, Frankreich sein.

Bisher war unsere geliebte „Sportart“ nur provisorisch Teil vom Olympia Zirkus. Das hat sich heute geändert!

Wie das Internationale Olympische Komitee bekannt gibt, wird ab den Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028 Skateboarding ein permanenter Teil der Sommerspiele sein. Keine Probezeit mehr, Skateboarding ist jetzt ein fester Bestandteil des Großevents.

Press Release:

The International Olympic Committee has announced that the Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028 will see skateboarding become a fully-fledged permanent Olympic sport.

Skateboarding’s investiture into official Olympic event status leads on from the huge success of last summer’s Tokyo Olympics and the excitement already surrounding Paris 2024.

The ascension of skateboarding into the permanent pantheon of Olympic disciplines unlocks opportunities for skateboarders which come with being an officially- recognized member of the Olympic sporting family.

These opportunities will quickly become manifest at a grassroots level for aspiring skateboard Olympians of the future via their respective National Governing Bodies.

Welcoming the game-changing news, World Skate President Sabatino Aracu added:

“My heartfelt thank you goes to the IOC, the LA28 OC and to all those that made this possible.“

LA28 is celebrating the official inclusion of skateboarding, surfing and sport climbing in the LA28 Olympic Games as the three iconic West Coast sports were approved to be part of the LA28 initial sports program by the International Olympic Committee and asked three Olympians to design new LA28 emblems celebrating their sports.

Sky Brown’s LA28 design represents her playful personality and skateboarding experiences with a focus on her favorite spot at the iconic Venice Beach Skatepark.

“With my ‘A’, I want people to be inspired,” said Olympic bronze medalist and pro skateboarder Sky Brown. “It’s so easy to hold yourself back from trying something if it seems scary. I want my ‘A’ to help people believe in themselves and do what they love. Then, no one can stop you.”

Tags: Olympia, Skateboarding bei Olympia, World Skate,

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Image 10. Oktober 2018   15:01