Subscribe to Element Youtube Channel 👉 Element presents PEACE, a new audiovisual project featuring the Element skateboard team, coming October 2018. #ElementPEACE PEACE features Brandon Westgate, Evan Smith, Nyjah Huston, Madars Apse, Mason Silva, Nick Garcia, Julian Davidson, Tyson Peterson,…
Video Tipps
Mainly filmed in Brandon’s hometown of Fredericksburg, Virginia, here’s a new part stacked with bangers.
Vor gut einer Woche kam das Primitive Skateboards Video „Never“ raus (Link). Heute spendiert uns Paul Rodriguez einen
If wacky outfits and over-edited videos aren’t your thing then you’re gonna love this part. All killer, no filler, Alex is no stranger to danger. And the boardslide through the corner is so GNARLY! Keep up with Thrasher Magazine here:…
Big snaps, beautiful style, and a kickflip to die for, Christian exemplifies everything epic about the pure expression of skateboarding. Welcome to the pro ranks.
Subscribe to The Berrics 👉 Didrik „Nordidrik“ Galasso and Michael „Nordic Summer“ Sommer rip Oslo in the latest Off The Grid.
Real Skateboards Pro Zion Wright eigentlich ein Limit, eine Grenze an Tricks die er nicht überschreiten kann? Zion kann wirklich jedes Terrain skaten!
Keyaki Ike (17) aus Japan hat seinen neuen Videopart raus gebracht. Seit Ikes letztem Videopart „Almost Dawn“ hat sich
Primitive Skateboarding is proud to present “Never”, featuring Paul Rodriguez, Diego Najera, Wade Desarmo, Nick Tucker, Devine Calloway,
Zion has a new part dropping next week. So let this be a warning, hammers are on the horizon.
Das Girl Skateboards Team gönnte sich ein paar heiße Tage in Texas!
Jetzt braucht man die Rollen nicht mehr umdrehen! Keep it classy with our BONES BLANKS.
Introducing… Kader Sylla! Willkommen im Next Generation Bearings Team.
Skatedeluxe Far’n High 2018 Qualification & Best Trick (Sewa Kroetkov, Adrien Bulard, Maxim Kruglov)
Skatedeluxe Far’n High 2018 Qualification & Best Trick (Sewa Kroetkov, Adrien Bulard, Maxim Kruglov)
Far’n High 2018 qualification and Best Trick video.
The first video offering by a new company called “Sister”, filmed in Sydney and the surrounding areas.
You’re about to watch the video part of a man absolutely on top of his game. Skating with style and power, Austyn always selects the right tricks for the right spot. Watch this a few times to really let it…
From the city of Juiz de Fora MG, a place with little access to the media and much less to the Brazilian skate market, João Vitor Galvão shows off his unique and ambitious style of skateboarding. This clip is the…
Das Diamond Footwear (Torey Pudwill, Brandon Biebel, Boo Johnson, Jamie Foy) flog für ein paar Demos nach Japan.
The Brazilian invasion continues as Lucas Rabelo shows us a few tricks that we haven’t seen yet in the park… or the Northern Hemisphere.
Der ARROW & BEAST Skateshop aus Stuttgart präsentiert sein Mixtape! Featuring: Erik Müller, Lem Villemin, Benny Fairfax, Angelo Kaiser, Maxi
Matt weighs in on the mental and physical battles he waged while filming for Album. Who does a back lip bigflip out that many times? The Kamloops killer, that’s who!
10 days behind the scenes in Athens, Greece with Pass~Port. Filmed by George Kousoulis, Cameron Sparkes and Geoff Campbell.
Everyone knows that Chris Cole is the man of a million tricks. But damn—we didn’t know he could do them all in a line! It must be nice.
Aaron Herrington, Zered Bassett and Eli Reed – Converse Cons‘ „Purple“ Video. Aaron Herrington, Zered Bassett and Eli Reed’s shared part from the latest Converse Cons video „Purple“. The Converse Cons full-length project Purple has found its way…
Most wouldn’t even consider rolling into this, while others would be satisfied with an ollie—but Joslin is on another level. This heelflip is jacked!