Tag Archives: Crailtap

21. Februar 2017   18:00

The crew hits USC for the Chicks, Long Boards and Free Kettle Chips. Featuring: Tyler Pacheco Mike Carroll Yonnie Cruz Johnny Jones Justin Eldridge Rick Howard Brandon Biebel Guest Appearance: Travis Harrison Filmed By: Rye Beres John Marello Edited By:…

14. Februar 2017   20:20

In between all this rain the Weak Days crew managed to squeeze in a quick sesh out in West Co. Featuring: Kenny Anderson Vincent Alvarez Tyler Pacheco Simon Bannerot Yonnie Cruz Johnny Jones Niels Bennett Hakeem Ducksworth Guest Appearance: Jon…

7. Februar 2017   19:42

We chugged gatorade and played soccer.. Skated a little bit too. Click Here to Subscribe for More Crailtap! – http://bit.ly/CrailtapSubscribe Featuring: Sean Malto Vincent Alvarez Yonnie Cruz Tyler Pacheco James Capps Niels Bennett Brandon Biebel Guest Appearance: Jon Sciano Filmed…

24. Januar 2017   20:01

It’s very rare that it rains in LA, and when it does… Well, the Weak Days crew will be here all mo’fuckin day. Click Here to Subscribe for More Crailtap! – http://bit.ly/CrailtapSubscribe Featuring: Kenny Anderson Tyler Pacheco Vincent Alvarez Sean…

13. August 2015   10:55

Die Crailtap Halle von Girl Skateboards,  Chocolate Skateboards, Lakai Footwear, Royal Trucks und Fourstar Clothing hat viele Tricks kommen und gehen sehen (und Pros!). Guy Mariano, Eric Koston, Sean Malto und viele andere fuhren bis vor wenigen Tagen regelmässig in der Skatehalle. Doch damit ist erstmal Schluss! Ruhe in Frieden, schreibt Daewon Song über den Crailtappark. […]

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